SEO Summer School is now open! 🎓

As part of SEO Summer School, we’re reducing the price of our industry-leading SEO Managers Certification from £497 to £397! 🏷️

This offer is valid until 2 September! So pack your pencil cases and lunchboxes and enrol in SEO Summer School today! 🎓
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They've enrolled in our course...

What you will achieve

Completing this course will help you:

  • Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your site

  • Spot your key enablers

  • Create a successful SEO strategy

  • Manage expectations within your organisation or with your clients

  • Drive ROI through SEO

  • Gain confidence in your role

A team of 13 SEO experts

Each one having their own area of expertise. Meet some of your instructors:

Technical SEO Director

Tom Pool

Tom leads the technical team, helping out with all manner of different clients, and the many questions and issues that arise. He became the youngest ever Brighton SEO speaker when he first spoke at the conference in April 2018, and won UK Young Search Professional of the Year at the UK Search Awards in 2019. He currently runs the Advanced Technical SEO Training Course at Brighton SEO, and has contributed to a number of other courses.

SEO Director

Lucinda Wood

With almost a decade of experience in marketing, both agency-side and in-house, Luci currently looks after some of Blue Array’s largest clients, and helps to formulate successful strategies across the agency’s varied client portfolio. Luci has a keen interest in emerging verticals of search and spoke at BrightonSEO about Google Discover.

Head of SEO

Kim Dewe

Versed in the world of marketing after completing a (BCom) degree in Marketing from the University of Otago (New Zealand) in 2013 and having worked as a Marketing and Communications Assistant for a large city council, Kim adds to the synergy of the team and enjoys the technical nuances of SEO. Kim has spoken at BrightonSEO on automating key SEO processes using API’s and Google Sheets and is a regular speaker at industry meet-ups.

What our students say

5 star rating

The Holy Grail Of SEO - Go For It.

Anant Prasad

After going through this course and completing it I have to say that this course form Blue Academy is the holy grail of SEO. In-depth knowledge about each an...

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After going through this course and completing it I have to say that this course form Blue Academy is the holy grail of SEO. In-depth knowledge about each and every aspect of SEO is superbly presented in a way that you can learn, grasp, and implement it in an easy and bit size way. Very few courses have this much(exhaustive) content on a vast topic like SEO, I advise you to take 2-3 weeks to complete it on a slow pace to learn the most out of it. If you want to be an SEO person in the future this course is for you with in-depth knowledge of the topic. GO FOR IT.

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5 star rating

Incredibly complete

Juan Ignacio Gori

It is undoubtedly one of the best courses I have done in SEO. Very complete, accurate and with in-depth information.

It is undoubtedly one of the best courses I have done in SEO. Very complete, accurate and with in-depth information.

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5 star rating


Suzane Lima

Thank you, guys! Your course is amazing and its content is life-changing.

Thank you, guys! Your course is amazing and its content is life-changing.

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5 star rating

Great SEO course

Binh Nguyen

The course is very professional, with structure contents including best practices, commons pitfalls, take aware notes, various advanced SEO tools. The SEO ex...

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The course is very professional, with structure contents including best practices, commons pitfalls, take aware notes, various advanced SEO tools. The SEO experts sharing their experiences allow a transversal SEO vision and allow identifying keys areas for continuous SEO. Well done ! I can see the teams, who build this course, were engaged and very professional.

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5 star rating

Mind Blowing Course

Elton Joy D'Souza

If you had asked me 3 months ago what SEO is I wouldn't be in a state to answer your question. It has been a couple of months since I have ventured into SEO ...

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If you had asked me 3 months ago what SEO is I wouldn't be in a state to answer your question. It has been a couple of months since I have ventured into SEO and after a completing a couple of courses I came across Blue Array's certification program. I found this course highly practical, relevant and highly specific answering every single domain that is to the SEO. Thank you Blue Array for this Amaaaazing Course!

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5 star rating

Very complete course

Francisco Javier Andres González

Excellent Seo course. Quality content and very informative explanatory videos.

Excellent Seo course. Quality content and very informative explanatory videos.

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5 star rating

Extremely complete. Loved it!

Nicolás D'Andrade

It is extremely thorough and complete. I have been working in SEO for 2 years now, and this course has indeed taught me a lot about Link Equity and how to ge...

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It is extremely thorough and complete. I have been working in SEO for 2 years now, and this course has indeed taught me a lot about Link Equity and how to get the buy-in from developers. Great course by Blue Array!

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Course Details

Learn at your own pace with our action-based coaching approach

  • 23 modules

  • 17 quizzes

  • 31 tasks

  • 147 videos

  • 30+ hours of content

  • Professional English captions

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Course update history

    • About this course

  • 2

    How does search work?

    • Market share of search engines

    • SERP features & Google horizontals

    • Crawling, rendering and indexing

    • The notion of crawl budget

    • Basics of HTML. Document Object Model (DOM): what is it, and why it is important for SEO?

    • Javascript and modern web frameworks

    • Black hat SEO vs white hat SEO

    • Knowledge test

    • Module completion

  • 3

    SEO strategies

    • How to identify your SEO strategy

    • SEO roadmap template

    • Creating your mid-term SEO strategy

    • Producing your SEO roadmap

    • Module completion

  • 4

    Site audit: Checklist & requirements

    • Why audit your site and how often should you do it?

    • Audit requirements

    • Enabling & configuring Google Search Console

    • Enabling & configuring Google Analytics

    • Your technical audit checklist

    • Working with your audit checklist

    • Knowledge test

    • Task assignment 1: Configuring and checking your Google Search Console

    • Task assignment 2: Configuring and checking your Google Analytics

    • Module completion

  • 5

    Technical audit of your site (part 1)

    • Understanding HTTP status codes

    • Robots.txt

    • HTML: Basic checks

    • Checking your site speed

    • Crawling your site with Screaming Frog

    • Checking your internal linking

    • XML sitemap

    • What is mobile first indexing?

    • Knowledge test

    • Task assignment 1: Perform a technical audit of your site (part 1)

    • Module completion

  • 6

    Technical audit of your site (part 2)

    • Checking your legacy URLs with Majestic

    • Canonicals

    • Pagination

    • JavaScript

    • What is AMP and how to test your AMP pages

    • Manual actions check using GSC

    • Index coverage, Sitemap, Speed, Links Reports & Mobile Usability with GSC

    • Knowledge test

    • Task assignment 1: Perform a technical audit of your site (part 2)

    • Module completion

  • 7

    Producing a technical backlog

    • Interpreting your crawl data

    • Prioritising your tasks

    • Tips to produce your backlog using a template

    • Your technical backlog template

    • Task assignment 1: Create your technical backlog

    • Task assignment 2: Work with your web developers to understand the level of effort on each task

    • Module completion

  • 8

    Benchmarking against your competitors

    • Finding your competitors

    • Domain Authority, Trust Flow and Citation Flow

    • Analysing backlinks profile using Majestic

    • Competitor backlink profile template

    • Performing a keyword gap analysis using SEMRush

    • Keyword gap analysis template

    • How to spot key opportunities

    • Knowledge test

    • Task assignment 1: Perform a backlink profile analysis

    • Task assignment 2: Create a keyword gap analysis

    • Task assignment 3: Estimate the 'size of prize'

    • Module completion

  • 9

    SEO common pitfalls

    • Manual actions

    • Google core updates

    • Using iframes and their impact on SEO

    • Canonicals tags

    • Keyword cannibalisation

    • Keyword stuffing

    • Faceted navigation

    • No results pages

    • Crawling and indexing directives

    • Link disavow

    • Knowledge test

    • Task assignment 1: Check if any of those pitfalls applies to your site

    • Module completion

  • 10

    Creating a Keyword Universe

    • Why perform a Keyword Universe?

    • Connecting Google Search Console to Google Sheets

    • Finding keywords using SEMRush and other tools

    • Aggregating your list of keywords

    • Clustering your list of keywords using Keyword Grouper Pro

    • Tips to format your Keyword Universe

    • Your Keyword Universe template / example

    • Task assignment 1: Create your Keyword Universe

    • Module Completion

  • 11

    Creating your North Star Goals®

    • Understanding your business goal

    • The North Star Goal® concept

    • Criteria of a good North Star Goal®

    • How to set a realistic goal

    • Example of a NSG and what was taken into consideration to formulate it

    • Managing expectation (6-12 months effort)

    • Examples of data that GA can provide. Goals, Conversions & Tracking Events

    • Knowledge test

    • Download your template

    • Task assignment 1: Formulate your NSG and get your stackholders agreeing to it

    • Module completion

  • 12

    Creating your monthly report

    • How to report on SEO performance

    • What to measure, finding your KPI

    • Integrating your North Star Goal in your report

    • RegEx resources

    • Using Google Search Console with Data Studio

    • Using Google Analytics with Data Studio

    • Creating your reports with Data Studio

    • Report for your management & your team

    • Knowledge test

    • Task assignment 1: Create a monthly report for you and your team

    • Task assignment 2: Create a monthly report for your management

    • Module completion

  • 13

    Site structure and internal linking

    • Why internal links are important

    • Crawling your site using Screaming Frog and creating your map

    • Understanding link equity and Page Rank

    • URL structure and crawl depth

    • Crawl budget

    • Robot.txt

    • Sitemap

    • Faceted navigation

    • Canonicals

    • Knowledge test

    • Your IA (Information Architecture) template

    • Task assignment 1: Create your visual crawl map using Screaming Frog

    • Task assignment 2: Identify your internal linking opportunities

    • Task assignment 3: Conduct a full IA (for a small site) or one section only (for a larger site)

    • Module completion

  • 14

    Creating a content strategy

    • Understanding your audience

    • Understanding visitor intent: transactional, navigational and informational queries

    • Auditing your existing content

    • Keyword research for content using SEMRush

    • Scraping PAA’s and Featured Snippets for content templates

    • Keyword competitiveness

    • Using SEMRush to estimate paid traffic cost

    • The (dysfunctional) relationship between paid and organic. How SEO can benefit from PPC

    • Keyword mapping and content 'hubs'

    • Meta, Title, H Tags optimisation: Best practices

    • Search Quality Evaluator guidelines

    • How to spot your key opportunities

    • Google Discover

    • How to give recommendations to your content writers

    • Knowledge test

    • Quick SEO checklist for content writers (PDF)

    • Recommendation template document for your writers

    • Task assignment 1: Audit an existing piece of content and undertake keyword research to uncover opportunities for optimisation.

    • Task assignment 2: Create an SEO content template for your content writers

    • Module completion

  • 15

    Technical on-page optimisation

    • Checking your canonicals

    • JavaScript & DOM

    • Image SEO

    • Video SEO

    • How to be featured by Google (Schema, Structured Data and Snippets)

    • Testing your page (AMP, Structured Data, Schema)

    • How to write recommendation for your web developers

    • Knowledge test

    • Your technical on-page SEO checklist

    • Backlog template for your web developers

    • Task assignment 1: Use your technical backlog & identify your key pages in need of optimisation

    • Task assignment 2: Write a recommendation document for one webpage and send to your web developers

    • Module completion

  • 16

    Backlink strategy

    • Why do you need a backlink strategy?

    • Google algorithm for backlinks

    • Analysing backlinks using Majestic

    • The different types of backlinks

    • Backlinking strategies

    • Tips to acquire quality backlinks

    • How to build and assess your backlink strategy

    • Knowledge test

    • Task assignment 1: Find unlinked mentions of your brand / business name

    • Module completion

  • 17

    Local SEO

    • What is local SEO and who is it for?

    • Identifying local searches

    • Creating your Google My Business profile

    • Contact details, phone number & address: consistency across your online presence

    • Optimising your pages for local searches

    • Links from local businesses

    • How to test if your local SEO strategy is successful

    • Knowledge test

    • Task assignment 1: Create your Google My Business profile

    • Task assignment 2: Check the consistency of your contact details across your online presence

    • Task assignment 3: Create and/or optimise your local pages

    • Module completion

  • 18

    International SEO

    • What is international SEO

    • Content, language and translation

    • Duplicate content issues & penalty

    • Domain and URL structure: best practices

    • Geo-redirection

    • How to implement hreflang

    • Sitemap

    • Checking your site using Screaming Frog and identifying issues

    • How to test if your strategy is successful?

    • Knowledge test

    • Task assignment 1: Implement hreflang / sitemap

    • Task assignment 2: Check for content / duplicate issues

    • Module completion

  • 19

    SEO for eCommerce

    • URL structure: best practices

    • Pagination

    • Faceted navigation & canonicals

    • Crawl budget

    • Robot.txt

    • Sitemap

    • Crawling your site using Screaming Frog and identifying issues

    • Out of stock & seasonal products

    • Product Structured Data

    • Knowledge test

    • Task assignment 1: Crawling your site using Screaming Frog and identifying issues related to eCommerce

    • Module completion

  • 20

    Website migration

    • What is a migration

    • Types of migrations

    • Typical strategy for a migration

    • Detail on critical tasks (eg. redirects)

    • Download your migration Checklist

    • Knowledge test

    • Module completion

  • 21

    Google News

    • Introduction to Google News

    • Optimising news content

    • Query Deserves Freshness (QDF)

    • Technical considerations for Google News

    • Knowledge test

    • Module completion

  • 22

    Maintenance SEO

    • Maintenance SEO & daily checks

    • Google Search Console health checks

    • Tracking keyword rankings

    • Google Alerts

    • Monitoring your site with Content King

    • Ongoing weekly / monthly maintenance

    • Task assignment 1: Create a maintenance calendar

    • Module completion

  • 23

    Ongoing learning

    • Additional online resources

    • Useful Google Chrome extensions

    • Books to read

    • YouTube Channels to subscribe to

    • Newsletters to subscribe to

    • Twitter accounts to follow

    • Conferences & events to attend

    • Podcasts

    • Learning material and courses

    • Experimentation and building your own site to test things

    • Module completion

  • 24

    Managing SEO in-house

    • Managing expectations of SEO with internal stakeholders

    • Getting the resource you need to do your job

    • Winning the confidence of developers

    • Highlighting success to your business and stakeholders

    • Keeping yourself motivated in-house

    • Hiring your first Executive/Analyst

    • Ongoing advocacy of SEO

    • Managing an agency to support your role

  • 25

    Blue Array certification

    • Congratulations!

Flexible pricing options

One-time payment or 12 monthly instalments.

  • £397.00

    One time payment (save 15%)

    Buy Now
  • 12 x £33.00

    12 monthly payments

    Buy Now

Recommended Tools

In order to complete the task assignments in this course, you will need access to those tools. They are widely used within the worldwide SEO community, therefore, there is a good chance that you already have a license for most of them. If not, we highly recommend investing in those tools as they will become a valuable asset in your SEO career.

CPD Accredited

Learning value and structure conforms to CPD guidelines

This course is accredited by The CPD Certification Service and will contribute toward your Continued Personal Development goals.

Start Learning Today

Shareable on LinkedIn

You can share your course certificate on your LinkedIn profile!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is this course for?

    This course is designed for both in-house SEOs and those working in an agency. It is suitable for beginner to intermediate SEOs.

  • Is there a passing grade for the quizzes?

    Yes, a minimum of 80% is required for each quiz throughout the course. You can retake a quiz as many times as you want, but the questions will be different for each attempt.

  • How long does it take to complete the entire course?

    It depends on how many hours a week you will dedicate to your learning. Note that this training programme is action-based, therefore, you will be required to perform a series of tasks that will help you improve your SEO performance. Some of those tasks may take time to complete, depending on the size of your site and the resources available within your organisation. Typically, students that are consistent complete the course in 2 to 4 months.

  • Are there any templates provided as part of the course?

    Yes, we provide you with all the templates you need to create your SEO Roadmap, Technical Backlog, Reporting, etc.

  • Will I be able to implement what I learn from the beginning?

    Absolutely! We've designed this course with you in mind. From day one, you will be able to learn, take action and get closer to achieving your goals.

  • Is this course really 100% online? Do I need to attend any classes in person?

    The course is 100% online. You can learn at your own pace, from wherever you want, so long as you have access to an internet connection.

  • Do I need to take the lessons in a specific order?

    Yes, it is mandatory to follow the modules and lessons in the specified order. It will guarantee the best results on your investment as you will be learning and doing tasks the exact same way we do with our clients.

  • Do I have to do the task assignments?

    Even though we highly recommend doing them, the task assignments are not mandatory to complete this course and get certified.

  • Are the videos captioned?

    Yes, all the videos of the course include English captions/subtitles.

Flexible pricing options

One-time payment or 12 monthly instalments.

  • £397.00

    One time payment (save 15%)

    Buy Now
  • 12 x £33.00

    12 monthly payments

    Buy Now

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and get access to 12 lessons available for preview