How Karla tripled organic traffic and secured a new job at #1 ecommerce platform by implementing techniques from Blue Array’s SEO course

Karla Reyes - Content & SEO Specialist at Tiendanube

It was April 2020. I'd been social distancing for about a month at home with my boyfriend in Mexico City. We were (and still are) feeling grateful for having a job, being safe and having the opportunity to work from home. At that moment I was working as a contractor in the role of Digital Editor.

But, after about seven years working in the digital media industry, I felt it was time for more...

Of course, I was being realistic and it was quite clear that I won't find "the job of my dreams" in the middle of a pandemic. So I just started looking at some "ideal" roles at LinkedIn, my main goal was to find a path to follow and improve some of my skills for that. 

“SEO” was a word that I saw in every role I liked so I thought: "Ok, I know a few things about it. I've been writing for blogs and websites for the last 10 years and I've been applying some basic SEO techniques".

So I started by doing a little research about the best SEO courses on the web, that's when I learned about Blue Array's Certification.

I followed Blue Array on LinkedIn and, a few days later, I discovered that they were temporarily giving access to their certification! I didn't hesitate a minute, I enrolled and started learning immediately.

I remember I was shocked with all the information and eager to start putting all this knowledge into practice.

Luckily, I own a website that I could use to test my new SEO skills. So I did it and, with some on page SEO and content optimization, I managed to triple my organic traffic, in just a few weeks!

Three months after I got my certificate, I was offered a job as a Content & SEO Specialist at Tiendanube, the #1 e-commerce platform in Latin America.

Being certified from the Blue Array Academy was a very valuable achievement in my career and, in addition to my experience and knowledge in other areas, it made the difference at the moment of choosing a candidate for the role I was applying for.

I feel very lucky to have taken this course. It was definitely a life-changing experience that helped me get out of my comfort zone and makes me feel proud of myself.

For me, Blue Array's SEO Manager Certification has become one of my most trusted resources and I keep coming back to it every time I need to refresh my knowledge.

We’ve asked Karla…

  • How long did it take you to complete the course?

    About a month... to be honest, when I enrolled in the course I really got into it, and once I finished the first few modules I thought: "this is what I was looking for", so it was an intensive month of learning. However, since then, I have been revisiting it frequently.

  • Which lessons have you found particularly useful?

    "Benchmarking against your competitors", "Creating a Keyword Universe" and "Creating a content strategy" are modules that I keep revisiting all the time.

  • How would you summarise your experience with the Blue Array Academy?

    “My experience with the Blue Array Academy was great! It provided me with a lot of knowledge and resources that I use on a daily basis. The information, organization and all the materials on each module of the SEO certification, definitely exceeded my expectations!”

Feeling empowered?

Check out our SEO Manager Certification training programme and create your own success!